Advice to My College Athlete Self

With the sudden announcement that UVa superstar and NCAA Champion Robby Andrews would be leaving the University and pursuing a professional track and field career this outdoor season, a lot of people decided the decision somehow needed their input and have been expressing their support or confusion about Robby’s personal choice ever since.

Regardless of whether I think Robby’s choice to leave the college system and “turn pro” was smart or silly or untimely, it doesn’t matter. It did, however, get me reflecting back on my own collegiate career – and, let me tell you, life outside the college system isn’t ALL roses and fistfuls of cash like it might be made out to be. So, without further ado, five things I would tell my little UVa steepler self, if I could ever go back and stumble upon my amateur self.

1. Drink more water. I’m terrible at hydrating – and now, with the Olympic Trials on the horizon and big pro races coming up, all the “little things” I should know to do instinctually just aren’t there. If I could have made more of an effort in college, I probably wouldn’t have to force myself to drink water or have protein after a workout or eat three meals a day now. Oops.
