The Don’ts Of Spring

What did Hoo fans learn about Scott Deke and the Cavs this spring?

Spring practices are done and the Spring Game is in the books. What does that mean? For me, it means that I have no good excuse to get out of all of the spring cleaning jobs I have been putting off as long as possible. All over the house and yard I go, Mrs. JHoo only a half-step behind, tackling one task after another instead of watching linebackers do the tackling. So with Mrs. JHoo’s “don’t do that …” and “don’t do that other thing either …” comments ringing in my ears, I think it would be somewhat therapeutic for me to throw out a few “don’ts” of my own.

Since I am much too smart to direct any of those “don’ts” at Mrs. JHoo – read, JHoo is a coward – I figured I would toss a few your way, football style. Or more precisely, spring football style.
