My First Spring Training

For four memorable years within the framework of the University of Virginia and its unparalleled baseball program, the misnomer of the ‘offseason’ was littered with fall ball and Iron Cavalier competitions plus intermittent and taxing midterms and finals. With every morning alarm and trek across the majesty that is Central Grounds, there was a task to be completed; whether it be class(es) or a meeting, volunteer work or a tutor, there was an agenda outside of Davenport Field.

As I’ve mentioned before, the motivation changes after entering the realm of professional baseball to a more individual and localized focused on immediate physical performance between the lines. These University distractions provided not only an opportunity to excel in facets outside athletics; they also helped to pass the time as we anxiously counted down the hours to sanctified Opening Day.

The countdown to Opening Day for the devoted lover of the game will never go away, but the manner in occupying that time is uniquely personal. In the current state of my transition from ‘offseason’ to pitch one, fall ball was replaced with Spring Training, classes were replaced with workouts and social time with … more workouts. Regardless of the method by which time is consumed, every year the offseason seems to inch by with each sunrise and SportsCenter filled evening.
