Hampton High School (VA) is certainly known for producing quality football players, and a good many have gone on to play on the college level. Crabbers junior Deon Newsome is well aware of the tradition. His father, Myron, played for Virginia Tech, and cousin Marques Hagans was a standout at the University of Virginia. Two more cousins, Tyrel Wilson and David Watford , currently play for Tech and UVa, respectively. Newsome, a defensive back/wide receiver recruit, will be able to choose between the Hokies and the Hoos, if of course he decides to attend college in the Commonwealth.
Newsome, who now stands at 5’11” and weighs 173 pounds, got his start on Hampton High’s varsity squad midway through his freshman year. He only played defense (outside linebacker) that season but has played on both sides of the ball each of the past two years for head coach Mike Smith .
“The first four or five games this season, I was playing quarterback,” Newsome said. “Then I went to my natural position, wide receiver. I also got in the backfield sometimes. Sometimes, coach would use me as a decoy because people were so wrapped up in what I was doing.
“On defense, I played kind of like a rover position. It’s like an outside linebacker spot, but when we go two safeties I play safety.”
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